I'm back from NJ and I'm back from NY and I'm finished with school, and I'm back from NJ (for a second time). I am back in PA I am back to my blog and to the websites that I check regularly and the blanket that I knit regularly and the kitties that I cuddle with every chance I get! What are my plans for the next few weeks?
1. Relax
2. Get a tan (i <3 sun)
3. Relax
4. Take a bath
5. Take some more baths
6. Relax
7. Knit
8. Knit
9. Relax
10. Watch TV, play video games and watch movies!
I cant wait!
Now, some pictures from my trips. I think i will do this in two separate posts because I just realized that I only uploaded pictures from my most recent NJ trip. So, this post will be NJ and the next post will be NY... or I guess I can just come back in and add some more to this one. yah, I'll do that. ENJOY THE PICTURES!!!

Chloe is happy that I am home!

Gen's Party - she now lives in the glorious world of Fom

Some more of the beautiful flowers from my mom's garden

I'm back from NJ and I'm back from NY and I'm finished with school, and I'm back from NJ (for a second time). I am back in PA I am back to my blog and to the websites that I check regularly and the blanket that I knit regularly and the kitties that I cuddle with every chance I get! What are my plans for the next few weeks?
1. Relax
2. Get a tan (i <3 sun)
3. Relax
4. Take a bath
5. Take some more baths
6. Relax
7. Knit
8. Knit
9. Relax
10. Watch TV, play video games and watch movies!
I cant wait!
Now, some pictures from my trips. I think i will do this in two separate posts because I just realized that I only uploaded pictures from my most recent NJ trip. So, this post will be NJ and the next post will be NY... or I guess I can just come back in and add some more to this one. yah, I'll do that. ENJOY THE PICTURES!!!

Chloe is happy that I am home!

Gen's Party - she now lives in the glorious world of Fom

Some more of the beautiful flowers from my mom's garden