


I'm back from NJ and I'm back from NY and I'm finished with school, and I'm back from NJ (for a second time). I am back in PA I am back to my blog and to the websites that I check regularly and the blanket that I knit regularly and the kitties that I cuddle with every chance I get! What are my plans for the next few weeks?

1. Relax
2. Get a tan (i <3 sun)
3. Relax
4. Take a bath
5. Take some more baths
6. Relax
7. Knit
8. Knit
9. Relax
10. Watch TV, play video games and watch movies!

I cant wait!

Now, some pictures from my trips. I think i will do this in two separate posts because I just realized that I only uploaded pictures from my most recent NJ trip. So, this post will be NJ and the next post will be NY... or I guess I can just come back in and add some more to this one. yah, I'll do that. ENJOY THE PICTURES!!!

Chloe is happy that I am home!

Gen's Party - she now lives in the glorious world of Fom

Some more of the beautiful flowers from my mom's garden

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