what is wrong?
Well, I finished the cream colored baby blanket today for my cousin, Lavinia. This is a big relief. My fingers were starting to cramp and my wrists are sore. I needed to finish this badly... most importantly for that sense of accomplishment I get when I bind off that last stitch. When I finished, the top of the blanket was much tighter than the bottom. the bottom seemed to flop around and stuff... ugh it is driving me nuts. I know it is the type of thing that only someone who has up-close and personal expierances with knitting would notice, and even though I'll probably never see the blanket again - I dont want to spend the rest of my life thinking about how I should have sucked it up and spend 5 hours to fix the darn thing. Well, first I decided I may as well just try blocking it. I'm a pretty knew knitter and I havent been very successful at blocking before but I did some more reading about it and thought that I had a better idea of what to do (man was it easy. what was wrong with me before??). So, with the help of some woolite and some luke warm water this puppy was ready to be shaped. As you can see in the photos below, it looks pretty good. The bottom is still a tiny bit floppy but it is MUCH better than it was before. By 2:00 tomorrow afternoon I'll kinda hug it and stuff to make the decision to wrap it or rip it. Here are some pictures (sorry for the dark brownish tint to the photos, the lighting in my apartment is lame and the flash really washes it out)...

cream blanket

SO, after sewing in the ends and taking care of a horrific knot that was about 45 rows up, I'm actually like 90% pleased with my success. So, I have moved on to the blue blanket for my cousin Rodney & his wife, Maricella. The same thing happened with the blue blanket that happened with the cream... the bottom is WAY bigger than the top, but definitly can't be fixed by blocking. So, I decided to undo about 40 - 50 rows and reknit them. No biggie I thought, once I get a needle into the stitches so I dont go too far, frogging it will be a piece of cake... well shit, I can't even frog right. I'll have to try it again or ask my good friends at KR what I am doing wrong. Here are some pictures of what keeps happening. You know how the stitch looks different when you cast on? Well it looks and acts like a very loose version of that. Something must be off... feel free to leave a comment if you know what I'm doing wrong! Thanks!

I just like this picture of the blue blanket
Well thats the knitting stuff for tonight. I also just want to post a few random photos (matt's eye, winnie half asleep and chloe in her new favorite box), hope you enjoy them!

cream blanket

SO, after sewing in the ends and taking care of a horrific knot that was about 45 rows up, I'm actually like 90% pleased with my success. So, I have moved on to the blue blanket for my cousin Rodney & his wife, Maricella. The same thing happened with the blue blanket that happened with the cream... the bottom is WAY bigger than the top, but definitly can't be fixed by blocking. So, I decided to undo about 40 - 50 rows and reknit them. No biggie I thought, once I get a needle into the stitches so I dont go too far, frogging it will be a piece of cake... well shit, I can't even frog right. I'll have to try it again or ask my good friends at KR what I am doing wrong. Here are some pictures of what keeps happening. You know how the stitch looks different when you cast on? Well it looks and acts like a very loose version of that. Something must be off... feel free to leave a comment if you know what I'm doing wrong! Thanks!

I just like this picture of the blue blanket
Well thats the knitting stuff for tonight. I also just want to post a few random photos (matt's eye, winnie half asleep and chloe in her new favorite box), hope you enjoy them!