Sitting in bed right now on my laptop watching Tomb Raider and eating Honey Graham Oh's with my hubby. A lot of progress was made today, on both the knitting and the packing fronts. Here are some pictures of today's knitting:
Blocking Booga for Pat
Change purse in the AM
Chloe with change purse in the PM
A bit of progress has been made :) I hope I made it big enough so that when it felts it will fit credit cards (like I promised my mom *eep*) I also have to take into consideration the button i was going to add... maybe ill just add a snap or velcro so I dont have to worry about making a button hole big enough that wont close up when i felt it (I'm a felting newb).
We did a TON of packing today. We decided to tackle all of the closets, and have basically finished them! Things look very messy, but I know its all an illusion and we dont have much left to go. I'm getting into this kick of throwing things away... I hope I don't regret any of it when we are moving in next week :)
Well, thats all I have for you tonight. So, enjoy this picture of Chloe, and don't be shy, let me know you've stopped by!

Chloe's cute act

Blocking Booga for Pat

Change purse in the AM

Chloe with change purse in the PM
A bit of progress has been made :) I hope I made it big enough so that when it felts it will fit credit cards (like I promised my mom *eep*) I also have to take into consideration the button i was going to add... maybe ill just add a snap or velcro so I dont have to worry about making a button hole big enough that wont close up when i felt it (I'm a felting newb).
We did a TON of packing today. We decided to tackle all of the closets, and have basically finished them! Things look very messy, but I know its all an illusion and we dont have much left to go. I'm getting into this kick of throwing things away... I hope I don't regret any of it when we are moving in next week :)
Well, thats all I have for you tonight. So, enjoy this picture of Chloe, and don't be shy, let me know you've stopped by!

Chloe's cute act