Its been a busy day! I've completed my mom's bag (please ignore my stupid puffy hair in the picture!)
Mom's Booga
and have finished knitting the bag for my MIL (now working on the i-cord) as you can see below.
Pat's Booga
i-cord with yarn
I've also started my bag - I just picked up all my stitches and have knit a few rounds :)
My Booga
I can't believe that I've done so much in the past few days. I've needed to unwind badly after all the time put into the wedding, and what better way to do it?! I've been working on these simple projects, because they are fast knits and are very rewarding. Its like instant gratification! After I finish these and they are blocking, I am going to make little change purses to put inside (my mom says to make sure they fit credit cards and cash!). Once all are felted and mailed to their respective spots, I will work on the pink mohair and the scarves for matt and me for the fall.
And, sometime in there matt and I will do close to 100 thank you cards *groans* i hope we can get them all done before we move.
Thats all for now, and matt has given up control over my blog after I tempted him with a candy bar.

Mom's Booga
and have finished knitting the bag for my MIL (now working on the i-cord) as you can see below.

Pat's Booga


i-cord with yarn
I've also started my bag - I just picked up all my stitches and have knit a few rounds :)

My Booga
I can't believe that I've done so much in the past few days. I've needed to unwind badly after all the time put into the wedding, and what better way to do it?! I've been working on these simple projects, because they are fast knits and are very rewarding. Its like instant gratification! After I finish these and they are blocking, I am going to make little change purses to put inside (my mom says to make sure they fit credit cards and cash!). Once all are felted and mailed to their respective spots, I will work on the pink mohair and the scarves for matt and me for the fall.
And, sometime in there matt and I will do close to 100 thank you cards *groans* i hope we can get them all done before we move.
Thats all for now, and matt has given up control over my blog after I tempted him with a candy bar.