

As you all know, I am currently wrapping up my time as a Penn State Student. I am studying Human Development and Family, with my real focus in Children, Youth and Families. I start an internship in May, and I am currently taking a class that is preparing me for that. We do it all, resumes, cover letters, thank you letters to liability, background checks... the whole shabang.

One requirement is that we make appointments with four "agencies" (they call them agencies in the human service professions - but I dont like calling them that) and conduct an interview with someone there to find out more about the facility. I'm interested in working in a child development center, so basically i am interviewing daycare centers. (to make a long story even longer, before I moved, I was in children youth and families, but at Mont Alto, they only have human service professions as an option, so everyone else in my class are actually going to agencies. Im the weirdo in the class who likes kids).

So anyway, today is an interview with a center right down the street from me. I'm going to dress all nice, carry in my (DH's) portfolio with my resume (just in case they ask!!) and my questions. I feel like my questions are lame and generic, but i dont think it would be in good taste to ask "do you offer paid internships, and will you offer me one? Im going to be desperate in a few months and you are in walking distance to my home. please please please?"

I'm excited and anxious at the same time. I wish that these were actual interviews where i was going in looking for a job, not just me going in to find out more. I mean yah, there are some differences between centers... but a daycare is a daycare is a daycare.

Anyway, wish me luck. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they are looking for extra help, but who knows.

Have a good one!
Oh, all the ways to say good luck I wish I knew!!! I hope you find a place that you love and that loves you and that rewards you for being as adorable as you are!
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