Me and my yarn...

Dear Charlotte,
My yarn and I threatened a couple of times to take our time and energy somewhere else. Apparently, these threats did not fall on deaf ears. We would both like to commend you on your efforts to shape up, and would like to add that we have noticed a sizable difference in your attitude.
My yarn and I did a little searching on the internet. We were half looking for another project, half looking for some supplemental material that may help explain why you were being so difficult! Luckily, we found a fair amount on the later. Will you take a look at this? An entire post all about you! What wonderful tips were hidden throughout this post. Not only did I find a couple of links that wrote out the pattern better, but I also found a great Spreadsheet (link on the left hand side of blog) that outlines all the rows and numbers of stitches!
There seems to be an entire community of knitters out there who are dedicated to taming you!
I must say, the progress that my yarn and I have made is incredible. We may be finished by next weekend. We love the colors, and how you highlight each and every one.
Oh Charlotte, please forgive us for being so cranky before. We didn't mean to hurt your feelings, we just needed some change. Its nice to be working with you now, and we really do have high hopes for our future together.

Thank you again, Charlotte, for staying with us, and hanging on til the end.
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Wow! You made so much progress since the last time you showed Charlotte. She's really looking great, and I'm glad to hear you found lots of helpful information. (And I'm sure you're glad to know it wasn't just you. :) )
Well, you may be roughing her up in the knitting arena, but I think Charlotte's taking over in sneaky, back-handed ways, like spelling her own name wrong in your side bar!
Damn shawls - can't leave 'em alone for a second!
"boy scouts" just keep whispering that when she doesn't behave "You could be a boys scout's next project"...
Damn shawls - can't leave 'em alone for a second!
"boy scouts" just keep whispering that when she doesn't behave "You could be a boys scout's next project"...
Meg, that Charlotte looks great!
And a big congrats on the internship, will you get to use those years of art school? (I still haven't really been able to use mine!)
Sounds like you will maybe be trekking into DC? If you ever want to stop in Rockville on the way home for a lil sit and a lil knit, let me know :)
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And a big congrats on the internship, will you get to use those years of art school? (I still haven't really been able to use mine!)
Sounds like you will maybe be trekking into DC? If you ever want to stop in Rockville on the way home for a lil sit and a lil knit, let me know :)
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