I'm back from NJ and I'm back from NY and I'm finished with school, and I'm back from NJ (for a second time). I am back in PA I am back to my blog and to the websites that I check regularly and the blanket that I knit regularly and the kitties that I cuddle with every chance I get! What are my plans for the next few weeks?
1. Relax
2. Get a tan (i <3 sun)
3. Relax
4. Take a bath
5. Take some more baths
6. Relax
7. Knit
8. Knit
9. Relax
10. Watch TV, play video games and watch movies!
I cant wait!
Now, some pictures from my trips. I think i will do this in two separate posts because I just realized that I only uploaded pictures from my most recent NJ trip. So, this post will be NJ and the next post will be NY... or I guess I can just come back in and add some more to this one. yah, I'll do that. ENJOY THE PICTURES!!!

Chloe is happy that I am home!

Gen's Party - she now lives in the glorious world of Fom

Some more of the beautiful flowers from my mom's garden

I'm back from NJ and I'm back from NY and I'm finished with school, and I'm back from NJ (for a second time). I am back in PA I am back to my blog and to the websites that I check regularly and the blanket that I knit regularly and the kitties that I cuddle with every chance I get! What are my plans for the next few weeks?
1. Relax
2. Get a tan (i <3 sun)
3. Relax
4. Take a bath
5. Take some more baths
6. Relax
7. Knit
8. Knit
9. Relax
10. Watch TV, play video games and watch movies!
I cant wait!
Now, some pictures from my trips. I think i will do this in two separate posts because I just realized that I only uploaded pictures from my most recent NJ trip. So, this post will be NJ and the next post will be NY... or I guess I can just come back in and add some more to this one. yah, I'll do that. ENJOY THE PICTURES!!!

Chloe is happy that I am home!

Gen's Party - she now lives in the glorious world of Fom

Some more of the beautiful flowers from my mom's garden

Well, we made it back to State College in one piece (despite the close call we had in the parking lot at Best Buy -- *nudges matt*). The cats are SO happy to see me again, and Roxie is acting like Matt's warder, following him around everywhere. Anyways, its been a long weekend and I have a long week coming up, so I have to wait until tomorrow to post pictures of my trip. Stay tuned!
Well, she may act all pissy and try to run the place like she's Alpha Cat, but even Chloe likes a little company in the morning, watching the birds!

is chocolate, knitting baby blankets and Bridget Jones Diary... good thing Hunk went to NJ -- I'd be in big trouble!
My New Bag!!
Ok so like right after I posted there was a knock at the door... OH HAPPY DAY! My bag is here!!!!! Here are some pictures of my hot new bag. It came with a US 5 needles and a pencil (and I totally ate it up! I love accessories!). As you can see in the second picture, there are little straps with snaps for some needles, and another strap on the side (insdie) of the bag to fee through your yarn. I don't know if you can tell or not but there is another expandable compartment inside that has slots for pencils/needles, room for books and patterns, some extra yarn or... a bagel or something. I think im going to keep my projects in here, even if I'm not out and about with them. Its a really great way to protect them from dirt and from any other potential baddies. It will also protect my needles from my cats (man, they LOVE chewing on my needles)...
Anyway, enjoy the pictures of the best bag on earth and I'll enjoy the bag tonight! I can't wait for my next excursion so I can put this baby to good use!!!

Anyway, enjoy the pictures of the best bag on earth and I'll enjoy the bag tonight! I can't wait for my next excursion so I can put this baby to good use!!!

Today I am waiting...
Waiting for my papers to get done, waiting to do some knitting, waiting for something good to eat! :)
BUT most of all I am waiting for my new Jordana Paige knitting bag to come to me in the mail. I've checked the tracking a lot but no knock at my door as of yet. The UPS guy usually comes in the afternoon, so I'll give it about two more hours. If no bag by then, I will be sad :(
I'll keep you posted!
Waiting for my papers to get done, waiting to do some knitting, waiting for something good to eat! :)
BUT most of all I am waiting for my new Jordana Paige knitting bag to come to me in the mail. I've checked the tracking a lot but no knock at my door as of yet. The UPS guy usually comes in the afternoon, so I'll give it about two more hours. If no bag by then, I will be sad :(
I'll keep you posted!
When the night starts to wind down and the threat of thunderstorms has passed, my fiancee and I get a little goofy. Tonight he has decided to tell me how much blog means to him, which is really very funny because this is the first day he has done it. And he already has four posts. This is him:

My Matthew
He is blogarific
<3 <3 <3

My Matthew
He is blogarific
<3 <3 <3
Just a quick post to give an example of the blanket I am working on now. This is before I have washed it and before I have sewn in the ends (and that nasty looking knot at the bottom right corner). Also, pictures of my two other kitties, Winnie & Roxie

The baby blanket I am working on for my cousin

Close up of the "T" on the baby blanket



The baby blanket I am working on for my cousin

Close up of the "T" on the baby blanket


Nice Weekend
Well, I went to NJ this weekend for my bridal shower. It was wonderful! I didn't get any knitting done, but I did get to see many friends and family who I haven't seen in a long time... some I haven't seen in over six years! It was fabulous, I'm pretty certain everyone had a great time! My mom had the party catered, and though I didn't eat much (I have a hard time eating when there is a lot of excitement), what I did eat was GREAT. After the boys left, all the ladies gathered around and I opened my presents, and every now and then we played a game. We laughed, we cried (from laughing so hard!), we drank punch and were merry!
While home, I spent some time in my mom's garden. It is growing so rapidly, it is going to be AMAZING for the wedding! My dad gave me an AMAZING camera as a shower gift, so I have been able to begin taking some really phenomenal photos to document things that are happening in my life.

One of the first pictures with my new camera!

Chloe - happy to have me home!

Black Eyed Susans

These are some of my favorite flowers from my mother's garden
Enjoy the photos! I plan on posting some photos of my current knitting-in-progress early this week!
While home, I spent some time in my mom's garden. It is growing so rapidly, it is going to be AMAZING for the wedding! My dad gave me an AMAZING camera as a shower gift, so I have been able to begin taking some really phenomenal photos to document things that are happening in my life.

One of the first pictures with my new camera!

Chloe - happy to have me home!

Black Eyed Susans

These are some of my favorite flowers from my mother's garden

Enjoy the photos! I plan on posting some photos of my current knitting-in-progress early this week!
First day
hello! This is the first post on my first blog! Its very much a learning process. Thank you for visiting with me. I plan on using this blog as my knitting journal. I'm going to post my works-in-progress as well as completed work. I'll also plan on post about my family - my three kitcats and my fiancee!
This weekend I am off to NJ for my bridal shower. I plan on taking some pictures of the two blankets that I am working on now so that I can show you all what I've been up to.
Happy clicking!
This weekend I am off to NJ for my bridal shower. I plan on taking some pictures of the two blankets that I am working on now so that I can show you all what I've been up to.
Happy clicking!