It's official
I haven't been posting. I know it, you know it. There's no fooling blogger. You can't trick it into posting for you. Don't bother trying.
I have *sort of* been knitting. But there are a few knitting updates!
I am taking a class on the history of American Women. For the next two classes (and last weeks class) we will be knitting! Last week kicked off the knitting experiance with a lesson for those who have not knit before. Since the campus is small, everyone on campus knows that I knit, so I was basically assigned my own small group of people to teach. It went great. My group had relatively few problems, which was a relief (especially since i was teaching them continental). They were knitting scarves in garter with two strands held as one. I was suprised that that was how they had them start (two strands can be confusing to someone just learning!!!!) but everyone did great!
In other knitting news, Wed. I will try to go to a local knit group. Ever since I came to Frederick, I've been really trying to find people to knit with. I was able to meet Megan and Lauren, which was wonderful! I just wish we lived closer together!!! I'm excited that I am going to be meeting another group. From what I've heard, they are very friendly and range in age.
I've been making progress on the sweater - but not much. The back is finished and I am about 1/8 of the way through the front. The sleeves will be a breeze IMO, so I am hoping to have it done by the beginning of February. We'll see!
I also made a knitting to do list:
1) Finish Baby Sweater for Christian
2) Finish Charlotte for my mom
3) Finish the Jo Sharp socks (with the Infusion Mohair I got for Christmas)
4) Finish the Noro Bag that I started months and months ago by spring break (it will be a great plane carry on!)
5) I need to decide on a few more projects with the misc. yarn I have lying around. I've decided to take a bit of a break on buying until I can control my stash. My apartment is SO tiny that I really need to watch the overflow (which is the perfect way to describe it right now!)
I hope you all are having a great January and are staying warm!!!
Happy Knitting,
PS I promise pictures of knit group!
I have *sort of* been knitting. But there are a few knitting updates!
I am taking a class on the history of American Women. For the next two classes (and last weeks class) we will be knitting! Last week kicked off the knitting experiance with a lesson for those who have not knit before. Since the campus is small, everyone on campus knows that I knit, so I was basically assigned my own small group of people to teach. It went great. My group had relatively few problems, which was a relief (especially since i was teaching them continental). They were knitting scarves in garter with two strands held as one. I was suprised that that was how they had them start (two strands can be confusing to someone just learning!!!!) but everyone did great!
In other knitting news, Wed. I will try to go to a local knit group. Ever since I came to Frederick, I've been really trying to find people to knit with. I was able to meet Megan and Lauren, which was wonderful! I just wish we lived closer together!!! I'm excited that I am going to be meeting another group. From what I've heard, they are very friendly and range in age.
I've been making progress on the sweater - but not much. The back is finished and I am about 1/8 of the way through the front. The sleeves will be a breeze IMO, so I am hoping to have it done by the beginning of February. We'll see!
I also made a knitting to do list:
1) Finish Baby Sweater for Christian
2) Finish Charlotte for my mom
3) Finish the Jo Sharp socks (with the Infusion Mohair I got for Christmas)
4) Finish the Noro Bag that I started months and months ago by spring break (it will be a great plane carry on!)
5) I need to decide on a few more projects with the misc. yarn I have lying around. I've decided to take a bit of a break on buying until I can control my stash. My apartment is SO tiny that I really need to watch the overflow (which is the perfect way to describe it right now!)
I hope you all are having a great January and are staying warm!!!
Happy Knitting,
PS I promise pictures of knit group!
What a weekend!
The comedy club was awesome! We had such a great time! There was yummy food, and both acts were hysterical! I think I laughed at every joke.
The next day, we went to state college to get our hair cut. TOTALLY WORTH IT. I can't believe how long my hair is getting. Exactly a year ago I decided to grow it out. At that point, it was about an 1.5 inches long. Now, its almost to my shoulders! Also, for the first time in about 8 years, it is my natural color! I never thought I'd stop dying my hair, but now its so easy to take care of.
Saturday night, mike came over. We had pasta with veggies, yummy bread and bree and sparkling cider (thanks for the bread, cheese and cider mike!). We then went to see The Life Aquatic. We all LOVED it. If you like other Wes Anderson films, you'll LOVE this!
Sunday, Matt had his first volleyball game. He loved it, but now he is complaining of an achey back. Mom's United did a great job of 3-1. I scored the first goal for our team. It was a great game, I was really on last night. It felt great. I don't have a lot of endurance, so I decided to start running. Today I started with a mile. We'll see how long this routine lasts :P
In knitting news, i've made little progress on the sweater. School started today, but I'm determined to keep up with my knitting. Pictures to follow...
As said earlier, I have been working on a sweater for one of my baby cousins. Before the wedding, two of my cousins had babies. At this time, I was determined to knit them both monogramed blankets as seen here and here. As seen in the second one, I made a mistake and ended up frogging the whole thing. By the time of the wedding, I wasn't even considering knitting it. So, I found a pattern by Debbie Bliss. Now that XMas is over, I can take the time to knit it.
No rush, the baby isnt even a year, and the smallest size is for a 2yr old. Perfect!

Sweater with ribbed yoke by Debbie Bliss
I'm having a great time knitting this. I'm using Rowan handknit DK cotton. I like it a lot - though i wish the yarn store that I had bought it from had had the debbie bliss dk.
As you can see in the sweater, its coming out great! after I did the rib at the bottom, and began knitting the bottom of the sweater, I realized that somehow, I knit wrong.
What!? How could this be? Every other one of my rows was twisted! Well, the "knit" rows were right, ust be the purling...
Its true! I know how I was doing it wrong, though I dont know how to explain it. It took me a row or two to become efficient. If you look closely at the picture, at the very bottom you can see how they were twisted. The rest of the picture you can see the stitches done the correct way. What a change! My apologies to those who recieved gifts with my wrong knitting!
Hope you all have a great week!
Happy knitting (and purling!)
The next day, we went to state college to get our hair cut. TOTALLY WORTH IT. I can't believe how long my hair is getting. Exactly a year ago I decided to grow it out. At that point, it was about an 1.5 inches long. Now, its almost to my shoulders! Also, for the first time in about 8 years, it is my natural color! I never thought I'd stop dying my hair, but now its so easy to take care of.
Saturday night, mike came over. We had pasta with veggies, yummy bread and bree and sparkling cider (thanks for the bread, cheese and cider mike!). We then went to see The Life Aquatic. We all LOVED it. If you like other Wes Anderson films, you'll LOVE this!
Sunday, Matt had his first volleyball game. He loved it, but now he is complaining of an achey back. Mom's United did a great job of 3-1. I scored the first goal for our team. It was a great game, I was really on last night. It felt great. I don't have a lot of endurance, so I decided to start running. Today I started with a mile. We'll see how long this routine lasts :P
In knitting news, i've made little progress on the sweater. School started today, but I'm determined to keep up with my knitting. Pictures to follow...
As said earlier, I have been working on a sweater for one of my baby cousins. Before the wedding, two of my cousins had babies. At this time, I was determined to knit them both monogramed blankets as seen here and here. As seen in the second one, I made a mistake and ended up frogging the whole thing. By the time of the wedding, I wasn't even considering knitting it. So, I found a pattern by Debbie Bliss. Now that XMas is over, I can take the time to knit it.
No rush, the baby isnt even a year, and the smallest size is for a 2yr old. Perfect!

Sweater with ribbed yoke by Debbie Bliss
I'm having a great time knitting this. I'm using Rowan handknit DK cotton. I like it a lot - though i wish the yarn store that I had bought it from had had the debbie bliss dk.
As you can see in the sweater, its coming out great! after I did the rib at the bottom, and began knitting the bottom of the sweater, I realized that somehow, I knit wrong.
What!? How could this be? Every other one of my rows was twisted! Well, the "knit" rows were right, ust be the purling...
Its true! I know how I was doing it wrong, though I dont know how to explain it. It took me a row or two to become efficient. If you look closely at the picture, at the very bottom you can see how they were twisted. The rest of the picture you can see the stitches done the correct way. What a change! My apologies to those who recieved gifts with my wrong knitting!
Hope you all have a great week!
Happy knitting (and purling!)
Tonight is going to be a great night! DH, cousin Mike and I are all going into DC to the DC Improv. Todd Barry is going to be there. I dont know if any of you have heard of him - if not, you should try to find some of his stuff. He really is VERY funny.
Tomorrow, Matt and I are driving to State College for our haircuts. I know, it sounds crazy, but the lady I go to is the ONLY lady that I have liked how she cuts my hair, and I'm not giving that up! I think she may have to cut off a little more than I want because its been awhile since we've been there.
After that, cousin Mike is coming over (we can't get enough of him!) And we're going to make some din and then head to the movies to see The Life Aquatic. Oooh what fun.
As for now, I am going to finish my yogurt, work out, and then knit knit knit!
Hope you all have a great weekend! I'll try later this afternoon to post some pictures of the toddler sweater I'm working on :)
Tomorrow, Matt and I are driving to State College for our haircuts. I know, it sounds crazy, but the lady I go to is the ONLY lady that I have liked how she cuts my hair, and I'm not giving that up! I think she may have to cut off a little more than I want because its been awhile since we've been there.
After that, cousin Mike is coming over (we can't get enough of him!) And we're going to make some din and then head to the movies to see The Life Aquatic. Oooh what fun.
As for now, I am going to finish my yogurt, work out, and then knit knit knit!
Hope you all have a great weekend! I'll try later this afternoon to post some pictures of the toddler sweater I'm working on :)
A few things
It has been so long since I've updated, after I posted last night I thought of a million more things that I wanted to post! Of course I can't remember more of them now...
My engagement ring broke over the New Year. Thankfully I noticed it before it fell off or the diamond popped out. I'm still really upset about it though. The ring was given to my Gram by my Gramps when he proposed to her during the depression. It was passed down to me. Its old, beautiful and has so much history. I'm heartbroken! Maybe they can fix it with little alteration.
It's funny, I got all this great yarn for Christmas but all I want to do is knit things for other people. I have a whole list... later this afternoon I will change my template and put it on the side.
Is it diffecult to put thumbnails on the sidebar?
Here are some family pictures, as promised!!

Christmas Party with Matt's company

Brother Roger - SMILE!

Trimming the tree!

Cousin Mike! I need to knit him a sweater!

Nate, sorting ornaments

Say Cheese, Maddie!

Gram - I love this picture!

The tree - man, look at all those presents!

Dad and me in front of the tree - you can really see the presents there... they are piled all the way under and behind the tree, as well as behind that couch!

Mom, dad and Maddie

Nate & Amanda (maddies mom and dad) and Gram listening to my mom and dad read the night before christmas

Oh, they caught my knitting by the fire

There's my handsome man! Wonder what he is so excited about...
And finally...

My MIL, Pat, and I at a New Years Party
Sure were a lot of pictures! Hope you enjoy them :) More knitting news later!
My engagement ring broke over the New Year. Thankfully I noticed it before it fell off or the diamond popped out. I'm still really upset about it though. The ring was given to my Gram by my Gramps when he proposed to her during the depression. It was passed down to me. Its old, beautiful and has so much history. I'm heartbroken! Maybe they can fix it with little alteration.
It's funny, I got all this great yarn for Christmas but all I want to do is knit things for other people. I have a whole list... later this afternoon I will change my template and put it on the side.
Is it diffecult to put thumbnails on the sidebar?
Here are some family pictures, as promised!!

Christmas Party with Matt's company

Brother Roger - SMILE!

Trimming the tree!

Cousin Mike! I need to knit him a sweater!

Nate, sorting ornaments

Say Cheese, Maddie!

Gram - I love this picture!

The tree - man, look at all those presents!

Dad and me in front of the tree - you can really see the presents there... they are piled all the way under and behind the tree, as well as behind that couch!

Mom, dad and Maddie

Nate & Amanda (maddies mom and dad) and Gram listening to my mom and dad read the night before christmas

Oh, they caught my knitting by the fire

There's my handsome man! Wonder what he is so excited about...
And finally...

My MIL, Pat, and I at a New Years Party
Sure were a lot of pictures! Hope you enjoy them :) More knitting news later!
What a break!
Well, we're back! Our holiday trip went something like this:
December 19: I got over heated at soccer and began feeling pain in my chest. I slept 12 hours that night and woke up with an aweful head cold.
December 20-27: Head cold got worse and worse. Of course it did, its winter break - who wants to be healthy on break?
December 23: We drive to NJ. zoom zoom... we get in late - but not as late as my brother. He arrived at midnight and was waiting for his bags until 3:30 am!
December 24: Ho Ho Ho! Christmas Eve! I'm feeling crappier and crappier by this point. We had a yummy dinner of seafood lasagna that I didn't really feel like eating because I was sick. Oh well.
December 25: What a Merry Christmas! It took us from 9am to 2:30pm to open all the presents. There were 10 of us - unbelieveable!
December 26: We went to see the NJ Ballet version of The Nutcracker. It was awesome. I think PA does it better though.
December 27: Back to MD
December 28-30: I layed on the couch and knit. I was starting to feel better by this point :)
December 30 - January 2: We went and spent New Years with Matt's family. We had a lot of fun! We played a lot of poker, video games and ate yummy homecooked food. We're still eating the cookies! Delicious. We also went to a New Years party, but Matt had some stomach problems so we had to leave early :(
It was a busy yet laid back week. I had a great time seeing all my family, but I'm sad to see it come to an end.
I didn't forget my camera this time. Thank goodness! We got a lot of great shots. First, family pictures: (NOTE: these pictures will be added tonight or tomorrow - I can't find the camera - I think Matt may have brought it with him to work by mistake)
I got so many great presents for Christmas. My brother and sister-n-law got Matt and I the Worst Case Senerio board game. SO much fun! My other brother edited and burned us a DVD of our wedding! It was wonderful. He worked so hard, and it came out great!
Knitting wise, I got tons of great gifts.
From my parents:

Jo Sharp Rare Comfort Mohair and Mohair Infusion - Delicious!!

HUGE skeins of yarn from Inspirations Yarn. Casual Grey and Wild Flowers Its beautiful! I'll definitly use the blue for the shawl, but what should I use the other for? Its spectacular and about 300yds!

Clockwise from bottom left: Jo Sharp book 4:Home, Jo Sharp book 5: Gathering, Fiber Trends Field of Flowers, and Weekend Knitting
I'm also expecting Latvian Mittens, Last Minute Knit Gifts, Scarf Style, Simple Knits with a Twist, and The Knitter's Handy Book of Patterns
Also, after seeing the size of those seins for the Fiber Trends pattern, I'll also be getting a plastic/metal ball winder and swift from Halcyon Yarn
Non-Knitting gifts included:

African Autumn tea from Pat

Isn't this the coolest tea bag you've ever seen? Its actually plastic-y!

Shell and Driftwood windchimes handpicked and handmade from my niece, Maddie

Chest of drawers from my cousin, Mike

Jewelry Amoir from my folks. I LOVE IT!
What great gifts. I am so thankful for all of them! There are also so many other things I can't possibly post them all!
Two more things. First, everyone LOVED their presents! What a succesful Christmas! Lastly, while in NJ, I was able to start and finish this:

Martha in Rowan Cork. Pattern was in The Cork Collection by Kim Hargreaves.
Its great to be back and I cant wait to catch up on blogs! Hope you all had a happy holiday and happy new year! WOW, 2005!!
December 19: I got over heated at soccer and began feeling pain in my chest. I slept 12 hours that night and woke up with an aweful head cold.
December 20-27: Head cold got worse and worse. Of course it did, its winter break - who wants to be healthy on break?
December 23: We drive to NJ. zoom zoom... we get in late - but not as late as my brother. He arrived at midnight and was waiting for his bags until 3:30 am!
December 24: Ho Ho Ho! Christmas Eve! I'm feeling crappier and crappier by this point. We had a yummy dinner of seafood lasagna that I didn't really feel like eating because I was sick. Oh well.
December 25: What a Merry Christmas! It took us from 9am to 2:30pm to open all the presents. There were 10 of us - unbelieveable!
December 26: We went to see the NJ Ballet version of The Nutcracker. It was awesome. I think PA does it better though.
December 27: Back to MD
December 28-30: I layed on the couch and knit. I was starting to feel better by this point :)
December 30 - January 2: We went and spent New Years with Matt's family. We had a lot of fun! We played a lot of poker, video games and ate yummy homecooked food. We're still eating the cookies! Delicious. We also went to a New Years party, but Matt had some stomach problems so we had to leave early :(
It was a busy yet laid back week. I had a great time seeing all my family, but I'm sad to see it come to an end.
I didn't forget my camera this time. Thank goodness! We got a lot of great shots. First, family pictures: (NOTE: these pictures will be added tonight or tomorrow - I can't find the camera - I think Matt may have brought it with him to work by mistake)
I got so many great presents for Christmas. My brother and sister-n-law got Matt and I the Worst Case Senerio board game. SO much fun! My other brother edited and burned us a DVD of our wedding! It was wonderful. He worked so hard, and it came out great!
Knitting wise, I got tons of great gifts.
From my parents:

Jo Sharp Rare Comfort Mohair and Mohair Infusion - Delicious!!

HUGE skeins of yarn from Inspirations Yarn. Casual Grey and Wild Flowers Its beautiful! I'll definitly use the blue for the shawl, but what should I use the other for? Its spectacular and about 300yds!

Clockwise from bottom left: Jo Sharp book 4:Home, Jo Sharp book 5: Gathering, Fiber Trends Field of Flowers, and Weekend Knitting
I'm also expecting Latvian Mittens, Last Minute Knit Gifts, Scarf Style, Simple Knits with a Twist, and The Knitter's Handy Book of Patterns
Also, after seeing the size of those seins for the Fiber Trends pattern, I'll also be getting a plastic/metal ball winder and swift from Halcyon Yarn
Non-Knitting gifts included:

African Autumn tea from Pat

Isn't this the coolest tea bag you've ever seen? Its actually plastic-y!

Shell and Driftwood windchimes handpicked and handmade from my niece, Maddie

Chest of drawers from my cousin, Mike

Jewelry Amoir from my folks. I LOVE IT!
What great gifts. I am so thankful for all of them! There are also so many other things I can't possibly post them all!
Two more things. First, everyone LOVED their presents! What a succesful Christmas! Lastly, while in NJ, I was able to start and finish this:

Martha in Rowan Cork. Pattern was in The Cork Collection by Kim Hargreaves.
Its great to be back and I cant wait to catch up on blogs! Hope you all had a happy holiday and happy new year! WOW, 2005!!