Something New
I'm trying something new.
For 30 days I'll be taking advantage of the 30 day free trail offered by Typepad. Please find my updates here - at least until that offer expires.
For 30 days I'll be taking advantage of the 30 day free trail offered by Typepad. Please find my updates here - at least until that offer expires.
Well, here you go. A picture of what I've been doing. You know, it doesn't look as impressive in picture form.

Yup, thats it... Fiber Trends' "Field of Flowers"
I guess I'm just happy to be knitting again. Around this time I tend to get tired of knitting - probably because I get tired of everything around this time of year. I'm tired of winter, I'm tired of my sweaters (they all need to be dry cleaned), I'm tired of feeling lazy, and I'm tired of school (I think that is because I've been in school for the past 20 years... not because it's winter.) I hope I can finish this soon so that I can finish all the other things sitting on my "yarn basket"
Then, I will begin the spring cleaning. In an attempt to reduce my stash, I'm going to actually pick patterns based on the yarn I have. That's right, I'm not going to buy yarn to fit a pattern, I'm going to USE YARN THAT I ALREADY HAVE. Only time will tell if this will be successful.
Ok, time for me to mold the couch to my butt and start knitting. I leave you with 3 final things.
1) Roxie:

2) DH playing Volleyball:

(nice block, baby)
3) a link

Yup, thats it... Fiber Trends' "Field of Flowers"
I guess I'm just happy to be knitting again. Around this time I tend to get tired of knitting - probably because I get tired of everything around this time of year. I'm tired of winter, I'm tired of my sweaters (they all need to be dry cleaned), I'm tired of feeling lazy, and I'm tired of school (I think that is because I've been in school for the past 20 years... not because it's winter.) I hope I can finish this soon so that I can finish all the other things sitting on my "yarn basket"
Then, I will begin the spring cleaning. In an attempt to reduce my stash, I'm going to actually pick patterns based on the yarn I have. That's right, I'm not going to buy yarn to fit a pattern, I'm going to USE YARN THAT I ALREADY HAVE. Only time will tell if this will be successful.
Ok, time for me to mold the couch to my butt and start knitting. I leave you with 3 final things.
1) Roxie:

2) DH playing Volleyball:

(nice block, baby)
3) a link
Three foods I used to hate:
Cottage Cheese
I now love them. I still hate asparagus (well, not the actual veggie... i like the veggie. It just totally grosses me out how it makes your pee smell...) and will only eat eggplant depending on the situation.
In knitting news:
The shawl is going great. I think tomorrow I will give in and take a picture of it, even though it will just look like a pile of yarn. I decided it was wrong of me to withhold my progress.
Any of you out there *big* lace knitters? The more I knit, the more I notice my brain thinking in lace. I'm actually remembering the pattern! I'm very impressed with myself.
Also, I was exploring the Interweave website and I stumbled across a link to this. Personally, I think that this little instruction page was just *too* cute. It made me smile and started me thinking about change. As a knitter, I view the work that I do as *creation*. When I first started knitting, I had serious frogging issues. I didn't want to do it. When i read about recycling yarn for the first time (about a year ago i think... when i first started knitting) I seriously considered whether I had it in me to undo what someone else had done.
Then, I would have said no way. Now, I say yes YES YES.
As I'm sure you know, matter cannot be destroyed. It can not be created. It just *IS* and it is continually changing. Each of us has a bit of a star within us! When we knit, we change that tasty ball or delicious hank into something new. I think I'll apply this to some sweaters that I have loved - a lot. Instead of donating them or trashing them, I'm going to recycle them into something else that I can love some more. They'll look different but somehow be the same.
(Like Gandhi said - or was it Buddha?)
"The only constant thing is change"
Cottage Cheese
I now love them. I still hate asparagus (well, not the actual veggie... i like the veggie. It just totally grosses me out how it makes your pee smell...) and will only eat eggplant depending on the situation.
In knitting news:
The shawl is going great. I think tomorrow I will give in and take a picture of it, even though it will just look like a pile of yarn. I decided it was wrong of me to withhold my progress.
Any of you out there *big* lace knitters? The more I knit, the more I notice my brain thinking in lace. I'm actually remembering the pattern! I'm very impressed with myself.
Also, I was exploring the Interweave website and I stumbled across a link to this. Personally, I think that this little instruction page was just *too* cute. It made me smile and started me thinking about change. As a knitter, I view the work that I do as *creation*. When I first started knitting, I had serious frogging issues. I didn't want to do it. When i read about recycling yarn for the first time (about a year ago i think... when i first started knitting) I seriously considered whether I had it in me to undo what someone else had done.
Then, I would have said no way. Now, I say yes YES YES.
As I'm sure you know, matter cannot be destroyed. It can not be created. It just *IS* and it is continually changing. Each of us has a bit of a star within us! When we knit, we change that tasty ball or delicious hank into something new. I think I'll apply this to some sweaters that I have loved - a lot. Instead of donating them or trashing them, I'm going to recycle them into something else that I can love some more. They'll look different but somehow be the same.
(Like Gandhi said - or was it Buddha?)
"The only constant thing is change"
Day 1 we spent in San Fran and then in the afternoon we headed to Santa Cruz. Here are some shots

In San Francisco at the Golden Gate Hotel. We spent our first night here. We then headed through Chinatown (we didnt see 1 tourist since it was 9am during off season!) to Fisherman's Wharf.

Noisy sea lions at the wharf! We then walked along the water.

Meg and Matt at Ghirardelli - mmmm chocolate to burn off with more walking! From here, we began to head back to the Hotel to meet my brother.

Helloooo Hills. I came home with buns o' steel! After San Fran, we had a scenic trip down the coast. Here I am with my brother at one stop...

Pigeon Point (or pigeon poop...)
Thats my best selection for day 1! Now I'll just mix and match some pictures from the rest of the week. Enjoy!!

Its spring out there!

Its hip to knit in CA too!!

Ever been to the Mystery Spot?
Its soooooo mysterious!!

Why roger, you are standing on a 30 degree angle!

MMmmmmMMmMm Jamba Juice! They just started coming to Boston when I lived up there... oh please please please come to MD soon!

It may be foggy, but our spirits are still high!

Waterfalls on beaches are rare!

Zoolander faces after some serious rock climbing to get to this bad boy!

In San Francisco at the Golden Gate Hotel. We spent our first night here. We then headed through Chinatown (we didnt see 1 tourist since it was 9am during off season!) to Fisherman's Wharf.

Noisy sea lions at the wharf! We then walked along the water.

Meg and Matt at Ghirardelli - mmmm chocolate to burn off with more walking! From here, we began to head back to the Hotel to meet my brother.

Helloooo Hills. I came home with buns o' steel! After San Fran, we had a scenic trip down the coast. Here I am with my brother at one stop...

Pigeon Point (or pigeon poop...)
Thats my best selection for day 1! Now I'll just mix and match some pictures from the rest of the week. Enjoy!!

Its spring out there!

Its hip to knit in CA too!!

Ever been to the Mystery Spot?

Its soooooo mysterious!!

Why roger, you are standing on a 30 degree angle!

MMmmmmMMmMm Jamba Juice! They just started coming to Boston when I lived up there... oh please please please come to MD soon!

It may be foggy, but our spirits are still high!

Waterfalls on beaches are rare!

Zoolander faces after some serious rock climbing to get to this bad boy!
I'm back
Sing it like Aerosmith - I'm BAAACK, I'm back in the saddle again...
California was great! Just the break that DH and I needed. Want to see pictures??? Good, 'cause I have hundreds (glad I actually remembered my camera!)
BAH - for some reason "Hello" isn't working and it isn't properly uploading the shots. I'll have to try again later. Sorry guys :(
So, we started our trip with a day in San Fran and then headed down to Santa Cruz. It was amazing. It was *SO* much fun. We made some stops on the way - one of which was at this beach that was all rocks (about the size of footballs and soccer balls!). It was really neat.
So between the great food, the great shoe stores and the great bookstores (thanks for the suggestions, Elisa!,Bunny's was awesome btw!!) the trip was fantastic. We did all the "must sees" and then some. You'll have a beter idea of our trip once I get those pictures up.
So, the knitting is going great. I'm glad I decided to leave it at home for the trip. When I got home, I had a really busy "catch up" week at school (which I still don't understand why - it was spring break for everyone...) when I got back, and then on Sunday night I got really sick - you know, the 24 hour bug that lasts 48+ hours. So with being sick I had to force myself to take a step back and relax. I got a lot of the Field of Flowers shawl done (though I can't take a good picture of it because it is on circ. needles right now).
I also found out some more news - come september, I'm going to be an auntie again! Also, my one cousin is expecting in November and another is trying... you know what that means! Lots of knitting for cute cute babies!!
So, before I go and work out (3 cheers - i'm almost back to my healthy weight!!!) WHOSE EXCITED FOR MARYLAND SHEEP AND WOOL!?!??!
Holy crap I can't wait. I've been counting down the days (hours... minutes...). I've even gotten my parents into the hype, they are planning on coming down!
I have class sat. morning, so I'll be there Sat afternoon and much of the day sunday, i am sure. Are you bringing your DHs? I've managed to get Matt pretty excited :) I can't wait to see you all again! Email me or leave a message! Miss you guys and can't wait to hear from you!
Happy *spring* knitting!
California was great! Just the break that DH and I needed. Want to see pictures??? Good, 'cause I have hundreds (glad I actually remembered my camera!)
BAH - for some reason "Hello" isn't working and it isn't properly uploading the shots. I'll have to try again later. Sorry guys :(
So, we started our trip with a day in San Fran and then headed down to Santa Cruz. It was amazing. It was *SO* much fun. We made some stops on the way - one of which was at this beach that was all rocks (about the size of footballs and soccer balls!). It was really neat.
So between the great food, the great shoe stores and the great bookstores (thanks for the suggestions, Elisa!,Bunny's was awesome btw!!) the trip was fantastic. We did all the "must sees" and then some. You'll have a beter idea of our trip once I get those pictures up.
So, the knitting is going great. I'm glad I decided to leave it at home for the trip. When I got home, I had a really busy "catch up" week at school (which I still don't understand why - it was spring break for everyone...) when I got back, and then on Sunday night I got really sick - you know, the 24 hour bug that lasts 48+ hours. So with being sick I had to force myself to take a step back and relax. I got a lot of the Field of Flowers shawl done (though I can't take a good picture of it because it is on circ. needles right now).
I also found out some more news - come september, I'm going to be an auntie again! Also, my one cousin is expecting in November and another is trying... you know what that means! Lots of knitting for cute cute babies!!
So, before I go and work out (3 cheers - i'm almost back to my healthy weight!!!) WHOSE EXCITED FOR MARYLAND SHEEP AND WOOL!?!??!
Holy crap I can't wait. I've been counting down the days (hours... minutes...). I've even gotten my parents into the hype, they are planning on coming down!
I have class sat. morning, so I'll be there Sat afternoon and much of the day sunday, i am sure. Are you bringing your DHs? I've managed to get Matt pretty excited :) I can't wait to see you all again! Email me or leave a message! Miss you guys and can't wait to hear from you!
Happy *spring* knitting!
Just another Tuesday in Knitten-town. I did a little work on my shawl from Fiber Trends. Its a relaxing knit!
A week from today, DH and I are taking a trip to Santa Cruz, CA to visit with my brother. I am really looking foward to the trip. I've been to California, but never this area. I hear it is really beautiful and there are TONS of things to do, though we don't have anything planned yet.
I've got to plan some knitting for the trip. I'm almost thinking of not bringing any and spending the time reading. I'm not sure.
Well, just a quick update. I'll post some pictures of the snow tomorrow :)
A week from today, DH and I are taking a trip to Santa Cruz, CA to visit with my brother. I am really looking foward to the trip. I've been to California, but never this area. I hear it is really beautiful and there are TONS of things to do, though we don't have anything planned yet.
I've got to plan some knitting for the trip. I'm almost thinking of not bringing any and spending the time reading. I'm not sure.
Well, just a quick update. I'll post some pictures of the snow tomorrow :)