Is anyone out there?
Do ya'll still read my blog?
I'm just kidding. I know you are all out there because I have been getting wonderful comments, great birthday emails and ecards, fantastic holiday wishes!!
I miss you guys. I've been so aweful with this blog lately. Next week is my last week of school, so between that, finishing xmas presents and playing World of Warcraft, I've really been hurting for time. Oh my gosh, WoW before I blog? well yes, it was just released so I'm super addicted. Don't worry, it will wear off soon.
So, first Thanksgiving Pictures! I only have a few because my brother and dad took more than me. They haven't sent them to me yet, but once I get those, I'll have a great group shot of my whole fam (minus one grandmother and one brother who couldnt make it for thanksgiving. they will be at christmas).
So, here we go:

Matthew, enjoying the good company. What a cutie! And, for once he wasn't wearing his baseball cap. i have some great pictures you will see later on. His hair will be all plastered down because of the hat.

DH Matt with my 4yr old niece, Maddie. She is a cutie too, but a handful. Whatever silly face you make at her, she will copy so you have to be careful!

Here is my dad. I kept getting silly pictures of him because he kept putting his arm out like he was a polititian. This is the best one I have of him... HI DAD!!

This is my brother Nate. He is the younger of the two brothers - the next closest in age to me... but still 11 years older! Ok i guess i could have just said that I'm the youngest and he is next - but 11 years older... Think we look alike? I'm not sure. We have a very similar sense of humor though.

Here is my cousin Mike (left) and DH. I caught them sneaking in some football when dinner was being served! They didn't get in trouble, though we did make them wait until everyone was done eating before they could eat. Just kidding :) we all LOVE football.
Ok, thats it for thanksgiving. Now, here are some general pictures/one bday picture:

Matt, Winnie and our tree! Matt waiting until I fell asleep on Saturday night and got the tree out of storage and put it up! Hes so sweet!! So Sunday we spent trimming the tree and putting lights on our deck. YAY FOR THE HOLIDAYS!

Oooh... pretty balls!! I think I'm going to redo my blog soon for the holidays and have this for my banner. so perdy

ITS A GIANT CAT! no it isnt silly, its a mini spinning wheel! My MIL and FIL gave this to me, as well as class information for a spinning class at Mannings (and a check to cover the class!!) THANKS GUYS! I loved this present! This wheel is 100 yrs old, and was used by a salesman to show the wheel to potential buyers. COOL!

Another Irish Hiking Scarf! This one is done in Noro Silk Garden for my mom. I think I'm going to block it. I've noticed whenever people see it, they have a tendancy to stretch it out. She also insists on fringe so I will do that too.
Well... thats it for now. Charlotte is getting her crochet trim tomorrow (yes, shes done!) I will take pictures once i block her. Hopefully by that point I'll have the group thanksgiving shot.
Before I go, I want to thank you all again for your comments and birthday wishes. I hope you had a great thanksgiving (and got lots of knitting done!). I also want to tell you that I my posting will be scarce over the next week or so because of school finishing for the semester. I miss you all and cant wait to read your blogs again!!!
I'm just kidding. I know you are all out there because I have been getting wonderful comments, great birthday emails and ecards, fantastic holiday wishes!!
I miss you guys. I've been so aweful with this blog lately. Next week is my last week of school, so between that, finishing xmas presents and playing World of Warcraft, I've really been hurting for time. Oh my gosh, WoW before I blog? well yes, it was just released so I'm super addicted. Don't worry, it will wear off soon.
So, first Thanksgiving Pictures! I only have a few because my brother and dad took more than me. They haven't sent them to me yet, but once I get those, I'll have a great group shot of my whole fam (minus one grandmother and one brother who couldnt make it for thanksgiving. they will be at christmas).
So, here we go:

Matthew, enjoying the good company. What a cutie! And, for once he wasn't wearing his baseball cap. i have some great pictures you will see later on. His hair will be all plastered down because of the hat.

DH Matt with my 4yr old niece, Maddie. She is a cutie too, but a handful. Whatever silly face you make at her, she will copy so you have to be careful!

Here is my dad. I kept getting silly pictures of him because he kept putting his arm out like he was a polititian. This is the best one I have of him... HI DAD!!

This is my brother Nate. He is the younger of the two brothers - the next closest in age to me... but still 11 years older! Ok i guess i could have just said that I'm the youngest and he is next - but 11 years older... Think we look alike? I'm not sure. We have a very similar sense of humor though.

Here is my cousin Mike (left) and DH. I caught them sneaking in some football when dinner was being served! They didn't get in trouble, though we did make them wait until everyone was done eating before they could eat. Just kidding :) we all LOVE football.
Ok, thats it for thanksgiving. Now, here are some general pictures/one bday picture:

Matt, Winnie and our tree! Matt waiting until I fell asleep on Saturday night and got the tree out of storage and put it up! Hes so sweet!! So Sunday we spent trimming the tree and putting lights on our deck. YAY FOR THE HOLIDAYS!

Oooh... pretty balls!! I think I'm going to redo my blog soon for the holidays and have this for my banner. so perdy

ITS A GIANT CAT! no it isnt silly, its a mini spinning wheel! My MIL and FIL gave this to me, as well as class information for a spinning class at Mannings (and a check to cover the class!!) THANKS GUYS! I loved this present! This wheel is 100 yrs old, and was used by a salesman to show the wheel to potential buyers. COOL!

Another Irish Hiking Scarf! This one is done in Noro Silk Garden for my mom. I think I'm going to block it. I've noticed whenever people see it, they have a tendancy to stretch it out. She also insists on fringe so I will do that too.
Well... thats it for now. Charlotte is getting her crochet trim tomorrow (yes, shes done!) I will take pictures once i block her. Hopefully by that point I'll have the group thanksgiving shot.
Before I go, I want to thank you all again for your comments and birthday wishes. I hope you had a great thanksgiving (and got lots of knitting done!). I also want to tell you that I my posting will be scarce over the next week or so because of school finishing for the semester. I miss you all and cant wait to read your blogs again!!!
I love thanksgiving! I hope you all have a GREAT DAY!
Birthday and Thanksgiving photos to follow!!!!!!!!!!
Birthday and Thanksgiving photos to follow!!!!!!!!!!
Remember me?
Wow, I feel like I have been out of the blogger loop. This week has been crazy, mainly because next week is Thanksgiving, and my break doesnt start until Wed; however, I wanted to get all my work done so I could stay home all next week and knit :)
I've been reading your blogs, but apologize for my lack of comments, or my lack of posts here. I have been knitting Charlotte, slowly and steadily. There really isnt much to show though, so I am not gonna post any pictures!
Like my new colors? Yay fall and thanksgiving!
So, here is some news that doesnt have anything to do with knitting.
We've been working on websites in one of my classes at school. Check it out! Ive wanted to make my own banner for awhile now, and really appreaciated the comments I recieved months ago on how to do it. Well, this finally inspired me to make one. It was done pretty quickly, but it will do for now! Buttons are next!
Well, happy knitting. I'm planning on knitting this whole weekend while I bake pies for Thanksgiving. I also plan on knitting when I should be cleaning.
I've missed you guys, and I can't wait to get back into reading your blogs and being more active in my comments.
As per usual, thank you all so much for your great feedback and support. You've put smiles on my face, especially when Charlotte is being a little more difficult.
Have a great weekend!
PS - My BDay is Tuesday! Its tradition that we get Praulines and Cream Ice Cream Cake from Baskin Robins (we've been doing it for decades, why stop now?) MMmmm I love it and I cant wait! I also cant wait to post pictures of my friends, family and presents!!!!
I've been reading your blogs, but apologize for my lack of comments, or my lack of posts here. I have been knitting Charlotte, slowly and steadily. There really isnt much to show though, so I am not gonna post any pictures!
Like my new colors? Yay fall and thanksgiving!
So, here is some news that doesnt have anything to do with knitting.
We've been working on websites in one of my classes at school. Check it out! Ive wanted to make my own banner for awhile now, and really appreaciated the comments I recieved months ago on how to do it. Well, this finally inspired me to make one. It was done pretty quickly, but it will do for now! Buttons are next!
Well, happy knitting. I'm planning on knitting this whole weekend while I bake pies for Thanksgiving. I also plan on knitting when I should be cleaning.
I've missed you guys, and I can't wait to get back into reading your blogs and being more active in my comments.
As per usual, thank you all so much for your great feedback and support. You've put smiles on my face, especially when Charlotte is being a little more difficult.
Have a great weekend!
PS - My BDay is Tuesday! Its tradition that we get Praulines and Cream Ice Cream Cake from Baskin Robins (we've been doing it for decades, why stop now?) MMmmm I love it and I cant wait! I also cant wait to post pictures of my friends, family and presents!!!!
Me and my yarn...

Dear Charlotte,
My yarn and I threatened a couple of times to take our time and energy somewhere else. Apparently, these threats did not fall on deaf ears. We would both like to commend you on your efforts to shape up, and would like to add that we have noticed a sizable difference in your attitude.
My yarn and I did a little searching on the internet. We were half looking for another project, half looking for some supplemental material that may help explain why you were being so difficult! Luckily, we found a fair amount on the later. Will you take a look at this? An entire post all about you! What wonderful tips were hidden throughout this post. Not only did I find a couple of links that wrote out the pattern better, but I also found a great Spreadsheet (link on the left hand side of blog) that outlines all the rows and numbers of stitches!
There seems to be an entire community of knitters out there who are dedicated to taming you!
I must say, the progress that my yarn and I have made is incredible. We may be finished by next weekend. We love the colors, and how you highlight each and every one.
Oh Charlotte, please forgive us for being so cranky before. We didn't mean to hurt your feelings, we just needed some change. Its nice to be working with you now, and we really do have high hopes for our future together.

Thank you again, Charlotte, for staying with us, and hanging on til the end.
Thank you all for your kind words and thoughts! I got the job, and a ton of great things along with it that I wasn't expecting!
Thank you all for your kind words and thoughts! I got the job, and a ton of great things along with it that I wasn't expecting!
A quick life (and knittingless) update:
I have an interview today for a summer internship. The reason why this is such a big deal is that it is the first internship opportunity that I have heard of that will (drumm roll please) PAY!
Unfortunatly, it is about 45min - 1hr from my home. Good news is, I would have the freedom to plan classroom schedules, cirriculum, field trips, etc. This may seem like a give if you are a lead teacher in a room, however... aparantly corporate daycares are springing up all over the country side. Most of their classroom activities and ciriculums are planned AT THE CORPORATE OFFICE! What does this mean? A board of individiuals are deciding what your child, and a gazillion other children will be doing each moment of each day. Sounds cold to me. It also runs the risk of being age inappropriate and it hinders a teachers ability to plan a schedule around the needs of her children.
Ok, rant over. Please, keep me in your thoughts on this cold, rainy day. I would love the chance to work at this center!
I have an interview today for a summer internship. The reason why this is such a big deal is that it is the first internship opportunity that I have heard of that will (drumm roll please) PAY!
Unfortunatly, it is about 45min - 1hr from my home. Good news is, I would have the freedom to plan classroom schedules, cirriculum, field trips, etc. This may seem like a give if you are a lead teacher in a room, however... aparantly corporate daycares are springing up all over the country side. Most of their classroom activities and ciriculums are planned AT THE CORPORATE OFFICE! What does this mean? A board of individiuals are deciding what your child, and a gazillion other children will be doing each moment of each day. Sounds cold to me. It also runs the risk of being age inappropriate and it hinders a teachers ability to plan a schedule around the needs of her children.
Ok, rant over. Please, keep me in your thoughts on this cold, rainy day. I would love the chance to work at this center!
Knitting Safari - Part 2 of 4
OR, You're so vain, you probably think this post is about you.
Dear Charlotte,
I am at a complete loss of words. Last week, you made it clear to me that our relationship wouldn't be an easy one. I picked up on your cool attitude, but I thought that in time we would be able to make things work. Afterall, I was willing to give as much as I could to you.
Please, stop playing these games with me. If you don't want to see me again, just tell me.
I know I didn't give you enough time and effort last week. I know that you need undivided attention, but you can't expect me to drop everything for you all the time! I have needs too, and I just can't afford to neglect the other things in my life for you, especially when all you do is take, take, take!
Last night was unacceptable. I studied you, I swooned over you, I even pictured us getting together again, when this fling is through. Your response was hurtful, depressing, and yes, stressful. If you continue to treat me this way, I am going to have no choice but to replace you with...
Don't interrupt me. This is important!
In two hours last night, we worked through 4 rows. "We" meaning me and the teachers at the class, NOT you and me. You have done nothing to make things easier, explain yourself, or even give a hint as to why you are acting this way.
Don't think you are getting the easy end of the deal here. I am NOT going to just walk away. I intended on finishing you, and I WILL. Give me everything you've got, because I've got a little more.
Things are going to change. You are going to listen to me, respect me, and most importantly, RESPOND to me. If I purl a row and then have to work on the pattern, you WILL have the correct number of stitches on the needle, understood?
We have a long weekend ahead of us. Take this time to get some fresh air, and then be prepared to put your heart into it, got it!?
Best regards,
Ok, enough said about Charlotte. She hasn't exactly been cooperating. She thinks everything is all about her.
The knitting safari was great last night. I honesty don't know what I would have been able to do without the help that was provided. Well, I do know actually - everything I did would have just taken 10x longer on my own.
Yesterday was a crappy day. I had an unreversable string of bad luck. Seriously, everything from dropping my spoon into my soup, to my fly being down all day, to being stuck in traffic for 1.5 hours only 5 minutes away from getting home, to my knitting bag spilling out all over my car, and to me dropping my phone, the battery unattaching and dropping down a crack in the pavement. Unbelievable.
However, I am the luckiest girl in the world, with a very understanding and loving DH. He helped me through the evening, and kindly suggested by the end that maybe, just maybe I should go to bed. I did. Things have been much better today.
I hope you all have a great end of the week. I honestly haven't had the time to do a lot of knitting because of school work and traveling. I plan to show Charlotte who's boss this weekend, pictures will follow.
And with that, I leave you with my progress on The Web, with my first color change. Please enjoy!

Happy Knitting!!
Dear Charlotte,
I am at a complete loss of words. Last week, you made it clear to me that our relationship wouldn't be an easy one. I picked up on your cool attitude, but I thought that in time we would be able to make things work. Afterall, I was willing to give as much as I could to you.
Please, stop playing these games with me. If you don't want to see me again, just tell me.
I know I didn't give you enough time and effort last week. I know that you need undivided attention, but you can't expect me to drop everything for you all the time! I have needs too, and I just can't afford to neglect the other things in my life for you, especially when all you do is take, take, take!
Last night was unacceptable. I studied you, I swooned over you, I even pictured us getting together again, when this fling is through. Your response was hurtful, depressing, and yes, stressful. If you continue to treat me this way, I am going to have no choice but to replace you with...
Don't interrupt me. This is important!
In two hours last night, we worked through 4 rows. "We" meaning me and the teachers at the class, NOT you and me. You have done nothing to make things easier, explain yourself, or even give a hint as to why you are acting this way.
Don't think you are getting the easy end of the deal here. I am NOT going to just walk away. I intended on finishing you, and I WILL. Give me everything you've got, because I've got a little more.
Things are going to change. You are going to listen to me, respect me, and most importantly, RESPOND to me. If I purl a row and then have to work on the pattern, you WILL have the correct number of stitches on the needle, understood?
We have a long weekend ahead of us. Take this time to get some fresh air, and then be prepared to put your heart into it, got it!?
Best regards,
Ok, enough said about Charlotte. She hasn't exactly been cooperating. She thinks everything is all about her.
The knitting safari was great last night. I honesty don't know what I would have been able to do without the help that was provided. Well, I do know actually - everything I did would have just taken 10x longer on my own.
Yesterday was a crappy day. I had an unreversable string of bad luck. Seriously, everything from dropping my spoon into my soup, to my fly being down all day, to being stuck in traffic for 1.5 hours only 5 minutes away from getting home, to my knitting bag spilling out all over my car, and to me dropping my phone, the battery unattaching and dropping down a crack in the pavement. Unbelievable.
However, I am the luckiest girl in the world, with a very understanding and loving DH. He helped me through the evening, and kindly suggested by the end that maybe, just maybe I should go to bed. I did. Things have been much better today.
I hope you all have a great end of the week. I honestly haven't had the time to do a lot of knitting because of school work and traveling. I plan to show Charlotte who's boss this weekend, pictures will follow.
And with that, I leave you with my progress on The Web, with my first color change. Please enjoy!

Happy Knitting!!
Moms United kicked butt tonight! We won 4-2, but I didn't score tonight because I spent the whole game in goal. The first goal I let in I could have stopped, but the second one was a great goal. She chipped it right over my head. Since I'm so tiny, there was no way I would have been able to stop it!
In knitting news, I'm almost done with my mom's Irish Hiking Scarf. i also finally have a good pattern for her poncho, so I'll start that once I'm done with the scarf. I cast on and knit a little for my niece's leg warmers, but I've lost interest in them for now. I want to work a bit on Charlotte this week before I go back to the class on Wed night. I was planning on doing some this weekend, but that didn't work out. oh well.
Well, as usually another busy week is coming up. I'l post as much as possible, but probably not until Wed :)
Oh, and lets hear it for World of Warcraft open beta starting this week!! YAY!
And please, everyone keep my DH and me in your thoughts this week - we are down to an all time low in our bank account, and payday isnt until NEXT monday! Eeeeeep! Looks like we'll have to cancel our haircuts for Saturday :( and no oil change for me! I can't wait until we have a dual income :P
Happy Knitting, Have a GREAT WEEK!
In knitting news, I'm almost done with my mom's Irish Hiking Scarf. i also finally have a good pattern for her poncho, so I'll start that once I'm done with the scarf. I cast on and knit a little for my niece's leg warmers, but I've lost interest in them for now. I want to work a bit on Charlotte this week before I go back to the class on Wed night. I was planning on doing some this weekend, but that didn't work out. oh well.
Well, as usually another busy week is coming up. I'l post as much as possible, but probably not until Wed :)
Oh, and lets hear it for World of Warcraft open beta starting this week!! YAY!
And please, everyone keep my DH and me in your thoughts this week - we are down to an all time low in our bank account, and payday isnt until NEXT monday! Eeeeeep! Looks like we'll have to cancel our haircuts for Saturday :( and no oil change for me! I can't wait until we have a dual income :P
Happy Knitting, Have a GREAT WEEK!
A halloween shot
I know i promised that i would show you all a halloween shot or two. I haven't gotten any pictures from my friends yet (probably because I havent asked yet), so here is one that my dad took of us before we left for the party.
I think we look cute. Well, I look cute anyway, matt just looks rediculous - I'm sure that was the look he was going for. My cheeks aren't normally that shiney... I am covered in sparkles (my mom and I got a little sparkle happy just moments before this shot was taken)

Afro Spidey and Tink (or, as my dad would say, T-Bell). We had a great time at the party, but next year I want to be something much more creative and fun. I'll have to start plannnig earlier!
Today Matt and I have a whole schlew of things that we want to do, but we're really slow moving. I hope we get it all done!
I hope you all have a great weekend, Happy Knitting!
I think we look cute. Well, I look cute anyway, matt just looks rediculous - I'm sure that was the look he was going for. My cheeks aren't normally that shiney... I am covered in sparkles (my mom and I got a little sparkle happy just moments before this shot was taken)

Afro Spidey and Tink (or, as my dad would say, T-Bell). We had a great time at the party, but next year I want to be something much more creative and fun. I'll have to start plannnig earlier!
Today Matt and I have a whole schlew of things that we want to do, but we're really slow moving. I hope we get it all done!
I hope you all have a great weekend, Happy Knitting!
Go see The Incredibles - because it is just that - INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!
Knitting Safari - Part 1 of 4
I feel like I havent talked with you all forever! It has been a very busy week for me and DH. I don't know why, but I have just been so bogged down with school and commuting, when I have had a free moment, I've been knitting or spending it with DH.
Exciting news! Wireless internet is now available at school, so I am able to bring in my laptop and blog on campus! Yay pictures! Because of this new capability, I will share a picture of the bucket hat I finished for my niece. I took the picture this morning with the intention of posting it between my classes - its an aweful picture, but I didnt have the time to make it brilliant. I'm sure you all don't mind though :)

Maddie will just LOVE it! I really enjoyed working with the Ironstone, and I agree with Megan the hat is MUCH nicer once it is felted (with this yarn, anyway). I made a medium, and I made the mistake of letting it felt a little longer than I wanted - so its a good thing because it was actually too small when it came out. Thank goodness I'm buff and not afraid to show my knitting whose boss. The hat is going to be the perfect size - at least for another few months! She is growing so fast...
So, onto the knitting safari. I had my first knitting class last night at Woolwinders from 6 - 8pm. Boy, did the time fly. I picked Charlotte's Web as my project, seeing as how confusing the pattern was written out, I think it was a good pick. After much deliberation and reading the pattern about 15 times, my teacher and I came to an agreement on how it should be tackled. It will be a good proceedure until I come to row 29. I understand all the stitches that are needed, it is just sifting through all the info on the pattern and figuring out what is meant. I feel like I could make a ton of cash going through patterns and writing them out so they are EASY to read.
Here is a picture of my progress on Charlotte. Again, crappy picture.

Its only a tiny bit, but not bad for about... oh... an hours worth of actual knitting. This is my first time doing lace, and I must say, once I figured out how to read some of the pattern, it was easy!
When I went into the class, I was suprised. Not to put down anyone's knitting capabilities, and with the risk of sounding pretentious - I was suprised at the level of knitters who were there. But, the class is set up well, because the only person who needs to know more than me is the teacher. There are only 6 people in the class, so its a nice small size and will allow me to meet some new people. Do I feel challenged? Yes, I am taking on something that - for what ever reason - has intimidated me. Do I feel like I am growing? Yes! Could I have done this pattern without taking the class? Probably, but it is nice to have someone right there the second I have a question.
I have some goals for the shawl - I want to do at least one color change this weekend so I can go in next week with the problems that I am having.
Well, I hope you enjoyed my little note today. I hope you all have a great day/night (yay thursdays!!) and a lovely weekend!
Before I go, I want to apologize for my lack of involvement on all your blogs. Its been so busy here, I havent surfed blogs all week! I have off tomorrow though, I can't wait to catch up with all your lives :)
Happy Knitting!
Exciting news! Wireless internet is now available at school, so I am able to bring in my laptop and blog on campus! Yay pictures! Because of this new capability, I will share a picture of the bucket hat I finished for my niece. I took the picture this morning with the intention of posting it between my classes - its an aweful picture, but I didnt have the time to make it brilliant. I'm sure you all don't mind though :)

Maddie will just LOVE it! I really enjoyed working with the Ironstone, and I agree with Megan the hat is MUCH nicer once it is felted (with this yarn, anyway). I made a medium, and I made the mistake of letting it felt a little longer than I wanted - so its a good thing because it was actually too small when it came out. Thank goodness I'm buff and not afraid to show my knitting whose boss. The hat is going to be the perfect size - at least for another few months! She is growing so fast...
So, onto the knitting safari. I had my first knitting class last night at Woolwinders from 6 - 8pm. Boy, did the time fly. I picked Charlotte's Web as my project, seeing as how confusing the pattern was written out, I think it was a good pick. After much deliberation and reading the pattern about 15 times, my teacher and I came to an agreement on how it should be tackled. It will be a good proceedure until I come to row 29. I understand all the stitches that are needed, it is just sifting through all the info on the pattern and figuring out what is meant. I feel like I could make a ton of cash going through patterns and writing them out so they are EASY to read.
Here is a picture of my progress on Charlotte. Again, crappy picture.

Its only a tiny bit, but not bad for about... oh... an hours worth of actual knitting. This is my first time doing lace, and I must say, once I figured out how to read some of the pattern, it was easy!
When I went into the class, I was suprised. Not to put down anyone's knitting capabilities, and with the risk of sounding pretentious - I was suprised at the level of knitters who were there. But, the class is set up well, because the only person who needs to know more than me is the teacher. There are only 6 people in the class, so its a nice small size and will allow me to meet some new people. Do I feel challenged? Yes, I am taking on something that - for what ever reason - has intimidated me. Do I feel like I am growing? Yes! Could I have done this pattern without taking the class? Probably, but it is nice to have someone right there the second I have a question.
I have some goals for the shawl - I want to do at least one color change this weekend so I can go in next week with the problems that I am having.
Well, I hope you enjoyed my little note today. I hope you all have a great day/night (yay thursdays!!) and a lovely weekend!
Before I go, I want to apologize for my lack of involvement on all your blogs. Its been so busy here, I havent surfed blogs all week! I have off tomorrow though, I can't wait to catch up with all your lives :)
Happy Knitting!
Stop reading my blog --
Home again Home again!
We had a great weekend in NJ! We got in late on Friday night, so we went straight to bed, but Saturday and Sunday were packed with fun. I spent most of the day on Saturday shopping with my mom (unfortunatly it didn't involve the LYS, but thats ok, I walked away with a beautiful coat and the perfect dress for Christmas - thanks mom!!) and Matt spent some time bonding with my dad. After dinner and a trip to Barnes and Noble with them, Matt and I got in costume and headed to the costume party.
We had a really great time. Everyone showed up in costume and had a blast. We got to meet a lot of new people (married couples! hurrah!), most of which were suprised that we could have THAT much fun without drinking. We were all in rare form on Saturday, to say the least. I promise to have pictures to follow, I just won't have time until Wed. or Thursday (maybe even Friday...).
Halloween was a ton of fun too. I don't know what happened, but I slept until 11:30 - even with the clocks adjusted! We got in around midnight the night before, so I'm a little surpised I slept so late. Usually 8:00am is the latest I go!
We headed back (thank you DH for driving!!) and got in late last night. Now, we're both sick :( I have a huge test tomorrow, so hopefully this is a 24 hour bug.
I did make some knitting progress this weekend! I finished the bucket hat for my niece and worked through my mom's scarf. Hopefully everything will get done for Xmas ! Oh, and I think it is just about time to make a thanksgiving motiff :)
We had a really great time. Everyone showed up in costume and had a blast. We got to meet a lot of new people (married couples! hurrah!), most of which were suprised that we could have THAT much fun without drinking. We were all in rare form on Saturday, to say the least. I promise to have pictures to follow, I just won't have time until Wed. or Thursday (maybe even Friday...).
Halloween was a ton of fun too. I don't know what happened, but I slept until 11:30 - even with the clocks adjusted! We got in around midnight the night before, so I'm a little surpised I slept so late. Usually 8:00am is the latest I go!
We headed back (thank you DH for driving!!) and got in late last night. Now, we're both sick :( I have a huge test tomorrow, so hopefully this is a 24 hour bug.
I did make some knitting progress this weekend! I finished the bucket hat for my niece and worked through my mom's scarf. Hopefully everything will get done for Xmas ! Oh, and I think it is just about time to make a thanksgiving motiff :)